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Writer's picturePamela Myers Palmer

Hold On

"We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. Let Your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in You alone." Psalm 33:20-22

I know those seasons all too well when it feels like the walls are caving in and nothing seems to go right. Those days when one thing after another goes wrong. When you're facing a mountain of troubles and frustrations. Setbacks, loss, pain, the stuff that makes you question what life is really about. Hold on. The circumstances that make you wonder if you can keep going. Hold on. When you feel like you don't have much faith left, like you aren't going to make it, like there's no way out. Hold on. Because in those moments when everything seems to be crumbling, coming undone, and failing, you aren't alone or helpless.

Hold on because God is with you. Hold on because breakthrough is going to come. Hold on because you aren't on your own. Hold on because in Him you have help and a shield. Hold on because in Him you can rejoice in every circumstance. Hold on because your testimony is going to be beautiful and will point others to the amazing love of God. Hold on because your story isn't over and you will find your way out by God's strength. Hold on because you aren't a victim, you are a child of God who has been set free by Jesus. Hold on because what you're going through isn't by mistake, you are learning a crucial lesson that will prepare you for what's ahead.

Hold on because God works things together for the good of those who love Him.

Life has a lot of ups and downs. Things are going great and then an unexpected storm rolls in. You've been facing a long battle, and then it finally gives and you're in a beautiful season of long-needed reprieve. Life will throw us curve balls and leave us stunned. Valleys and mountains. We ride them out in hopes that there's purpose, God is with us, and that He will make things right. So, when life is one bump after another, hold on.

Because God remains faithful through it all. He is unchanging.

The Lord is our rock that can withstand whatever comes our way. He is our firm foundation. We can put our trust in Him and we can hold onto Him because He is faithful. He knows what you've been through and what's ahead. He is with you this very moment. He hasn't forgotten you nor will He forsake you. You can put every ounce of hope and trust in the Lord. You can put all of your eggs in His basket. We may even find ourselves rejoicing in the trials because we know Who is for us and that no weapon formed against us will prosper.

The Lord is our rock that can withstand whatever comes our way. He is our firm foundation. We can put our trust in Him and we can hold onto Him because He is faithful. He knows what you've been through and what's ahead. He is with you this very moment. He hasn't forgotten you nor will He forsake you. You can put every ounce of hope and trust in the Lord. You can put all of your eggs in His basket. We may even find ourselves rejoicing in the trial because we know Who is for us and that no weapon formed against us will prosper.

If you're at a point in your journey where you are ready to give up, I invite you to hold on. Hold onto the God who loves you, hold onto the God who is fighting for you, hold onto the faith that has gotten you thus far, and hold onto His amazing promises of deliverance and goodness for those who put their trust in Him. Hold on.

Let us pray

Lord, at times life seems too hard, too challenging, too dark. Let us not forget that we are Your beloved children and we can trust that You do have good plans for us. Lord, set us free from the heartache and pain. Calm our fears and anxieties. Help us find the light in the midst of the storm. Deliver us from evil. We thank you for how good and gracious You are. We rejoice that You are faithful and that we can always count on You. Please, give us hope each day and reminders that You are near. Amen.

>> Suggested readings: Psalm 33, Daniel 6, Mark 4, Romans 5


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