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Writer's picturePamela Myers Palmer

Overcoming Fear

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear can be crippling. Fear will drive our decisions, hinder us from making a move, and cloud our ability to hear clearly from the Lord. Fear gives the enemy access into our lives and our enemy will wreak havoc where he is given a chance. Fear is a result of the evil, broken condition of the world... and our hearts. We cannot be casual about fear because fear will consume us and extinguish the light of God burning inside of us.

It's time to kick fear to the curb.

We must resist living out of fear even if it feels comfortable or what you're used to. Fear is dangerous. Fear is the opposite of surrendering to God. Fear is what happens when we have put our trust in the safety nets we've created. Fear is what happens when we live for ourselves. Fear is a result of not walking in sync with God. A life of fear is not what God has for us.

To resist fear, we need to name it and stop feeding it.

When we shrug off fear as just playing it safe, we feed it. When we fuel our fearful thoughts and actions, we feed it. When we allow fear to dictate our decisions, course of action, or the very way in which we understand God, we feed it.

It's time to starve the fear you've been consumed by for far too long.

“Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.” John 14:27

Jesus doesn't want us to live in fear. God doesn't use fear to speak to us, guide our steps, or minister to us. Fear is infinitely in opposition to who God is and the truth we find in the Bible.

So what can you do to starve fear?

Get into the Bible and start believing it, memorizing it, and applying it to your life. The word of God is living and it is compared to a double-edged sword. Woah. Talk about powerful. Nothing calms my fears more than not just reading the Bible, but letting it make its way into my heart, my thoughts, my words, and steering my actions. The Bible teaches us to hear God's voice and to learn all about who he is and how he works. We learn from God's word the dangers of fear and how God can deliver us from those strongholds.

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” Psalm 94:19

Pray. Put your fears at the feet of Jesus. Rebuke them, bind them, and cast out the fears you have taking up residence in your heart, your mind, your home, your family, and your marriage. Keep casting out fears in the name of Jesus and call upon the blood of Jesus to cover you and protect you. Prayer is our connection line to God. It's how we speak to him. We are just a prayer away from God. And when we're in the presence of God, fear cannot flourish or persist.

“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.” Psalm 55:22

Stop believing and meditating on everything you read, find on social media, in the news, books, conversations, and people. Identify the lies of the enemy that are drenched in fear and give them not one more second of your day. We can choose to stop our thoughts, to stop the lies from playing in our minds, and instead, replace those with the truth of God. We have to take captive our thoughts and put our mind on noble and good things instead of the wickedness around us.

“Jesus told him, ‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.’” Mark 5:36

Trust the Lord. Trust him with every ounce of your life. Trust him with your loved ones, with your ministry, with your career, with your health, with your heart, with your relationships. Trust him with everything. Trust that God loves you more, loves them more, and has such good plans for you. Trust that he will work things together for those who love him.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

And that brings me to our final battle tactic against fear... love the Lord. Let yourself fully love the Lord with all your heart, your mind, and your strength. When you love Jesus, his goodness starts to make so much more sense. Worry, doubt, anxiety and fear suddenly seem repulsive next to the deep love you have for the Lord. Let your heart be so full of love for the Lord and joy in the Lord that there's no longer room for grotesque fear. Because remember, fear is not what God has for us nor wants for us. We must resist fear. If Paul didn't have to fear for his life in prison, we don't have to fear for our lives today. If Daniel in the lion's den didn't have to fear, we don't either. The same God is orchestrating your days, too.

Let's do what we can to rebuke and release fear to live our days in peace. The peace that Jesus gave us. The kind of peace that surpasses all understanding. The kind of peace that we can have even when everything around us seems to be in chaos. God's peace isn't dependent on circumstances, but rather, it's available to us at all times and in all seasons.

Let us pray

Heavenly Father, expose the fears we have in us. Show us where we need to be delivered from fear. Help us to be honest before you as you search us and examine us, that we may be free of the bondage of fear. Let us live in peace, dwell in your loving presence, and resist the attempts of the enemy to make us fearful. Help us to trust you and to love you. We thank you that you are a God who sets us free from fear. We praise you for your lovingkindness and the peace you give to us. Amen.


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