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4 Tips to Build a Foundation of Faith with Young Kids

Children Praying

"When I became a parent, passing on faith to my child became a top priority for me. I have always felt incredibly grateful to have grown up in a Christian home and to believe in God and follow Him from a young age. Though I’ve certainly seen my fair share of hardships, sinfulness and challenges, God has truly been the firm foundation in my life. I want my kids to know the richness of a life lived for Christ. But… How exactly do you teach a one-year-old about God? What can a three-year-old even understand?

These are the kind of questions that have crossed my mind over the past few years as we’ve grown our family. Fortunately, even in these handful of years, I have a better grasp on how to share faith with my children and point them to their Father in heaven who loves them more than I could ever imagine. Here are 4 things you can do to teach children about God."

Read more of my article via and explore 4 tips on how to build a foundation of faith with young kids.

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