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Can We Pray Without Ceasing?

Image by Jack Sharp

"Prayer is a powerful way to connect with God, to develop a relationship with Him, and to cast your cares upon Him. There are countless examples of prayer throughout Scripture. It is apparent that prayer is significant to the faith of a believer. When we read about the life and ministry of Jesus in the Gospel accounts, we find that He prayed often and made this spiritual discipline a priority in His life. Jesus took time to get away and spend time with God. Prayer is incredibly important for every believer’s spiritual growth.

The Apostle Paul affirmed the significance of prayer, and wrote in one of the epistles, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

To pray is God’s will for us. But, as inspiring as that sounds, is it possible to pray without ceasing? What did Paul mean by such a statement? Pray without ceasing means to have a heart inclined to prayer, to pray often, and to make the discipline of prayer a high priority, just as Jesus did."

Read more of my article about praying without ceasing at

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