"Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also." John 14:1-3
Have you ever felt out of place? Thought you don't quite fit in? Wondered what was wrong with you when everyone else seems to be just fine and normal? You're not alone. Most people have similar thoughts, even if we don't talk about it. This world is a very broken place and because of that we often struggle to feel accepted, loved, and valued. When I am dealing with these thoughts and feelings, I remember that this is not my home.
We are made in God's image. We long to be with Him, we long for His perfect love, and we long for an eternal home with God that is free of pain and injustice. We long for Him because He's our maker and He is the one who knows us entirely and loves us unconditionally. You may have been letdown by your family, by your friends, by your coworkers, but God doesn't disappoint. He is always there for you, faithful to you, and extends His grace and mercy to you when you are in need.
This place is not our home, but in God's presence is.
Jesus made an astounding promise that He prepared a place for us. What hope we have in an eternity in God's presence! This world fails us time and time again. It doesn't have much to offer. It is rigged with frustrations and atrocities, but we have a place that Jesus prepared for us. A real home. A home that lacks pain, tragedy, and the horrors of this world. An eternal home where there are no tears, no illnesses, and no grievances. No more death, no more destruction. A place where we will all fit in, being fully loved, valued, and cherished.
When I consider an eternity with God, I get excited about living for Him here and now. Because even though this is not our home, we can still live as though we're preparing to be in His presence for an eternity, and we should. God's word instructs us to love God, love others, live righteously, and develop a relationship with Him now.
Though His kingdom is fully yet to come, the Spirit of God came after Jesus ascended into heaven. We can bear the fruit of the Spirit, we continue to be sanctified, and we can model our lives after the righteousness of Jesus. We don't labor in vain. Every moment you spend with God, the time you take to share the Gospel, the sacrifices you make to live in the Spirit rather than the flesh... it's all done because this is not our home.
Jesus wants us to spend eternity with Him. Jesus prepared a place for us because He loves us, because we are made in God's image, and because He wants us to be part of His kingdom. Jesus came so that all could believe and be saved. When we accept Jesus into our lives and hearts and when we develop a personal relationship with Jesus, we can rest confidently knowing that when this life on earth has run its course, we have an eternal home in God's presence waiting for us.
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Romans 8:18
Paul said it so well. When we suffer, and we feel so deeply that this is not our home, we can experience joy and hope, and perhaps even comfort, knowing that this earthly dwelling place will not compare to the glorious eternity in God's house that awaits us. Cling to God, continue walking closely to Him, and let His peace fill your heart and mind. Even though some days are harder than others, remember that this is not our home. And though you may not feel valued or loved by the world, always remember that you have a Father in heaven who loves you fiercely and unconditionally.
Let Us Pray
Lord, let us be good stewards of our lives. Let us take advantage of each day to get closer to You, to live like You, and to pursue the ways of the Spirit. Help us to deepen our faith and be able to share Your good news with those who we encounter. Let our hearts be ready for an eternity with You. Give us a renewed hope that even on the hardest days, You are with us and You will redeem us. Thank you for being so good, so gracious, so merciful. Thank you for loving us fully, and preparing an eternal place for us in Your presence. Amen.
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