Why Was
Jesus Baptized?
"According to the Bible, Jesus was sinless. In the account of Jesus’ life, we know he was directly tempted (See Matthew 4:1-11), but did not give into sinful impulses. Therefore, it is hard to make sense of why he was baptized at the start of his earthly ministry. Jesus instructed John the Baptist to baptize him, and even John was surprised at such a request. John, who thought he would be baptized by Jesus, wondered why Jesus needed to be baptized, too. This is a similar question that many believers have when they read this part of Jesus' life and ministry.
Jesus didn’t leave John, or future believers, without an answer. We can look to the very words of Jesus for the answer to this question: Jesus was baptized because it was necessary for the fulfillment of all righteousness (Matthew 3:15). Jesus truly took our place in every way as the ultimate atonement for sin and death."
Read the rest of my article on Jesus' baptism at BibleStudyTools.com!