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4 Biblical Principles to Save Your Marriage, Everyday


"If you're married, you likely have experienced the greatest joys that two becoming one affords, but you may also know all too well the desperate situations that threaten to tear your marriage apart. Married couples experience trials, hurts, and struggles. They often learn quickly that marriage takes a lot of work. We can look to the Bible for insight into what that work actually means.

Scripture includes a wealth of wisdom and narratives about how we should treat others. We find in God's word the urgency and command to love others, as well as specific ways to be obedient to that command (see Matthew 22:39, Colossians 3:12, and Philippians 2:3). We can learn from and apply these lessons to lead a loving, God-centered marriage. Here are four unique biblical concepts that will save your marriage every day..."

You can read more about these 4 biblical principles for your marriage in my article on the Christian resource website,

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